This last weekend.... Where do I start? It was the best weekend I've had probably since I arrived here. =]
My Saturday began with a trip to the temple. I went with my good friend Camille. It was so amazing, as the temple always is. So peaceful, and it made my whole day happy.
After that my building had our own little muggle quidditch match, which was very interesting to say the least. we had a myriad of candies that were named after Harry Potter candies and foods. Even BYU brownies dubbed chocolate frogs. Interesting. Fun. =]
And then my old friend Kenneth was in town, and we decided we needed to hang out, catch up a little. He picked me up and we went to the Malt Shop. Well, Kenneth... has changed... His personality is a bit more awkward than I remember... A lot more awkward. But still with his Kennethness. He is still my old friend, even if he is a little different. We talked about anime, and theatre, so it wasn't that bad. I'm going to have to carefully bring up mission plans though, some time in the near future.
The guys insisted on opening our doors, which I did not mind at all. And then when we got there they both insisted on paying for us, which I felt bad for, but I tried to just be thankful for such sweet guys, without thinking of how much Dylan had just paid for me. He is great. So then we went in. I was putting on a brave face, but it looked pretty legit, so I wasn't really sure I wouldn't be scared. The workers were already getting in my face. They always chose me!! We got past the line and entered the Forrest and it wasn't very long before I was hanging onto Dylan. He was a gentlemen and didn't push me off, which I was grateful for because I would not have enjoyed going through that thing alone. hahaha I don't usually get scared, but that was when the haunted houses/trails were being worked by my Physics teacher and my friends. Out in corn fields that we drive past every day. Not is a legit forest with things getting so close to you that you can smell their bad breath. And they always went for me!!!! There was one part that I suddenly became aware that instead of holding his arm, we were holding hands.... hm.... ok, so I switched back as sneakily as possible to his arm, and walked on through the scariness. But it happened about 2 more times. I don't know why. I don't even know if he noticed. He didn't seem to mind, because it was me that kept switching back to his arm. I didn't want to let go of him though because truth be known, I was so scared! There was one room in the haunted hotel part that was just hanging clothes everywhere. You could see anything but clothes. If I didn't have Dylan's arm I would have gotten so lost! We saw the woman who was scaring people, and we tried to keep track of her but then she disappeared and we were like, "Where did she go?!" And then she was suddenly right between us! We both screamed and I practically jumped in his arms, it was very Scooby Doo. None of it was awkward, I just didn't know if the holding hands thing was ok or not. I was fine with it. ;] Just didn't know if he was. Plus, he's my FHE dad. This needs to be platonic. hehe..... I don't know. He's good looking though. And then he was sneaky again and paid for my food when we went to Arby's too. Very much the gentlemen. And then again he is also turning in his mission papers in December. So proud of my Dad. hahahahaha I'm going to stop thinking about it, so that I don't complicate everything in my head. Blah!
So then Sunday was goo because it is Sunday is always good. But also because for sacrament meeting we did a hymn program. It's like fast and testimony meeting, minus the fast, and instead of testimony you go up and give your fave hymn and why, and we sing a verse. Very cool, the spirit was so strong I basically cried the whole thing. "I just have so many feelings." Also being the chorister, I had to lead every song. So I was moving my arm the entire hour. I thought my arm would die, but I could have done it all day. It was amazing. =] So much fun. Then after church I went to choir which was awesome, and then home. Quinton, Sheldon, and Michelle were there for our traditional Sunday Dinner. The other Michelle and Killi were missing, and they were missed. We had curry, spicy and delicious. yay life. =]
So that was my weekend. Very eventful, and very good. The best of weekends. I dread Monday though, and now that it is almost over I am very happy. I won't be going to Student Development though. That class is SO pointless. Once a week I have to listen for two hours about nonsense. Last Monday I had to listen to two hours of How To Listen. Yes. So today, since I have a ton of reading to do, a test to study for, and a paper to at least start on, I will be skipping the most pointless class of all classes. This is my one skip for this class that I will allow all year. I shall treasure it. I hate this class.argh.
BUT! FHE IS TONIGHT! We are carving pumpkins. So excited. YAY LIFE! =D
hahahahaha you held hands with your dad.
ReplyDeletelet boys pay. that makes it a date, not just hanging out.
hahaha I didn't mind. =]