Wednesday, October 13, 2010


Song of the blog: FUN_Spongebob

Why is this my song? Because I just read Ashley's blog and it's stuck in my head. Might be for the rest of the day.

Why is today called Doritos? Because I am eating Doritos between calls. Yay life.

Today has been an OK day. My cord to my laptop is missing and I still need to finish a midterm paper that is due today that is on my dead laptop and nowhere else. This is why i own a jump drive. Why didn't I save this one paper onto my jump drive???? I'm kinda freaking out. I went to my last resort and texted my T.A. He is not just good looking, he is also very helpful. He said I can turn it in tomorrow for 5 points off. I thought it would be a zero. He is a lifesaving hottie. Thank You Heavenly Father for sending this man into my life as my T.A. Now can he ask me to dinner? hahaha

What else made my day OK? Music 101. Today I was sitting there doing some reading for my favorite class Anthropology. *cough* lies*cough* and a very good looking man came asmiling and sat next to me. I kept reading for a little bit, I can't seem too eager you know, and I had my ipod in so it wasn't rude of me to do so. When we had about 5 minutes before the start of class, I take my ipod out, and begin to put my book away. He immediately  speaks, "Good book?" I answer sheepishly, "It's for a class." "Oh, so it's a great book then." Sarcasm. "Haha Yeah." We exchange names, he fawns over mine a little just like everybody does, and I can't remember his name now.... Ethan? Maybe. I feel bad for not remembering. hehe But he had some great eyes. Really dark blue. Nothing in comparison to Sam, but really great. :) In conversation we learned that he served his mission just one mission away from being in my area. He walked me to my next class and the whole way he tried to figure where Parsons would be without looking at a map. I need to learn more about my own state, I was almost no help. But he figured it out. It was really flattering and kinda fun. He was all in all a really great guy. Glad to of met him. :)

And so today I can finish and print my paper, turn it in tomorrow, 5 points off. I also have to watch a movie for American Heritage tonight or tomorrow and write a paper on it. Considering my lab is tomorrow and it will be due, I will watch it tonight, get no sleep, write the paper. The movie should be interesting, so the paper should flow pretty well. I wish I could say the same for my Anthropology paper. I don't think it flows very well in the first draft. I'll have to revise it and make it better now that I have some extra time. Phew!!!

So today I got a call from this lady that was SO MEAN! It is really annoying when people blame us for the postal system's mistakes, but this woman took it to a whole new level. She was just crazy. I'm glad I am so good at keeping calm, because on the inside I wanted to punch her through the phone. People who are reading this: IMPORTANT MESSAGE!!!!!!!! IF SOMETHING GETS LOST IN THE MAIL, IT IS NOT THE ORGANIZATION'S FAULT!!!!! IT IS THE CRAPPY US POSTAL SYSTEM!!!!! FED EX EVERYTHING TO PREVENT THIS, IT MAY COST MORE, BUT AT LEAST IT WON'T GET LOST. THANK YOU FOR READING THIS VERY IMPORTANT MESSAGE.