Song of the blog: Every Parachute song I can find on
So last night I went to a concert. Opening that concert was a new band out of New York called Migs. They were pretty good, but he was spitting his guitar picks into the crowd. Not cool.

AND THEN. THE BAND WE WERE WAITING FOR! PARACHUTE!!!!! They were amazing. And Will, the lead singer, threw me his guitar pic. Funny story. It feel out of my hand when I caught it and to the floor. There was a convergence of the crowd on MY pic. I grabbed my cell phone to light it up and when I saw it there was another chick about to get it. Um... No. I so got that pic. She gave me a stare of death, but it's still mine. ^.^ Then Will made eye contact with Killi and she was ready to die. Michelle was mad. haha Michelle is, I swear their biggest fan in existence. It's so fun. Then towards the end, he jumped into the crowd Right Next Me. He held my hand. It was amazing. And there was a chick next to me, the same chick that tried to get my pic I think..... Anyway, she latched onto him and started making out with his neck. Ew. And her boyfriend was just standing behind her like, "....................." It was gross. But he held my hand!!

Then the Plain White T's Came on, after about 20 minutes of standing there waiting for them. haha They were awesome. They like to talk to the audience, and it was a smallish crowd too so it was waay fun. They love Salt Lake too because they consider it the place they really got started. I guess Salt Lake City was the first place to play Hey There Delilah on the radio, and some guys that are usually there helped them out a lot. He played Radios In Heaven, which I didn't know was by them, and I have always liked that song. Then all of a sudden they left, and we were like, "Is it over?" But then Tom appeared behind us! Tom is the lead singer. He had just his acoustic and he told us the thing about Salt Lake playing Hey There Delilah first and then he sang the song and asked us to all sing with him. It was cute, and there was a little middle schooler that appeared next to me that was reaching up high to film him as she sang every single word. She was way cute.

The Best Part came after the concert. Caitie had gone missing when Will jumped into the crowd, and then suddenly we couldn't find Courtney. Killi, Michelle, and I made a line and went through the crowd of about 2,000 people to the back where there was breathing room. I saw the place they were selling shirts and etc paraphernalia, so I went over there. I was just going to get a T-shirt, but then I had an idea. I bought 2 T-shirts and a CD. Then I went looking for Michelle. I couldn't find Michelle, but I DID find Will, the lead singer of Parachute. Of course he was in the middle of a crowd of girls, so I pushed my way through, told him my name was Michelle, spelled it out, and went to go find the real Michelle again. When I gave her the CD, she choked up. haha I didn't think she would CRY! hahaha! I gave her the T-shirt I got her too, and we both wore them today. We found everyone else talking to Alex, the Asian looking base player for Parachute. I saw Catitie and I was like, "Caitie! You're alive!" She had been missing for about an hour an half. She said that she had gone to the bathroom and just didn't want to push her way back to the front. Crazy Courtney had done the same thing, but she DID push her way back! hahaha! Alex was loving Killi's flower, and we found out he was actually Hawaiian! Who woulda tought! So we chatted with him for a while, then Courtney wanted to get a picture with Will , and then me and Michelle had the idea to have him sign our shoe! So off we went. By this time there only about 50 people left. The truly cool fans. haha We went up Will and shook his hand and I told him my real name. He thought it was so cool that I had done that, and he and Michelle became fast friends. It was brilliant. He signed my shoe and we took some pictures. Then we saw Tom from the Plain White T's, we chatted with him for a while and I had this really great moment when I said something and then realized he was looking away so I finished with, "And I don't think you just heard me but that's ok. haha" Then he turned around and looked at me and repeated what I said and thanked me for coming and such and then he signed my other shoe! My worth of my shoes tripled last night! Not that I will EVAR sell them!!! We took some pictures with him, and then we turned around to leave and there was Will again! We all joked around for a minute and once he grabbed Killi's camera and was like, "Candid!" And he took a picture of all us! That will be my profile picture. Amazingness. We continued to chat for a bit more and then as we left he said, "See you in May!" We were all so starstruck that we didn't remember that we would be gone in may to our separate homes. Honestly, if I hadn't already bought my ticket, I would my trip off a little while to see them again. XP

Then we went to Denny's. A perfect ending to a perfect night. XD
And This Is Will>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
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