Song of the blog: Stolen_ Dashboard Confessional

So today was pretty good. Last night was excellent though because I finally bought my plane tickets for this summer!!! AAHHH!!!!! I'm waay too excited about this. I want to jump up and down and scream, that is how over the top this excitement is. The ticket price went up a little from the last time I looked, so I spent about 181 on the first one. I'm hoping to be able to buy my return ticket in a month or two. I fly YAY!!!!! I even figured out what to do with my stuff. My mom and Kurtis are going to rent me a storage thingy to keep it in. The smallest they have, because I really don't have that much stuff. I need to find one and give them the info. YAY!!!!!! Sidenote: I love Southwest airlines. Cheapest tickets I could get, and it still comes with 2 free checked bags. yesh.

I am sooo tired though. I think I could sleep for 3 days straight at this point. I need sleep!! I don't think I have gone to bed before 11 in weeks. And it's 11 if I'm lucky. But alas, it shall be for my good. For my edumacation and the like. But fur realz I could go for some shut eye.

Cold: It's snowing. I hate snow. I walked out of my English class today and what was my thought process? "Snow?! Shizniggles.... UGH!" And I mean it was SNOWING!! A lot. Snow is ew. So took out my umbrella and braved the cold. Then who should come up behind me but Justin? haha Of course he has to do that when I'm icking out at the sight of the snow. Of course. We had a nice chat. I asked him how he's been, he said he was sick all weekend, I said that sucks. What did you have? Sinus infection. Ew. But he's better now. Thats good. Hate being sick. You goin to the library? Yeah. Alright see you later. Bye. Nice conversation. I then went back to being grossed out by snow. I even put on my sunglasses so I could see less of it and pretend it was warm with the sun shining. It didn't really work, but a girl can dream. I hate snow.

Hungry: I have eaten only a twix and string cheese today. Been running around like a chicken wih my head cut off trying to do everything. First I forgot my skirt and didn't realize until I was walking to work. So I had to go tell my boss that I was sending myself home to change before she could do it, and I couldn't even do the deed over the phone because guess what? I forgot that too. So then I go and catch the bus home and I plan on just going in, grabbing my skirt and phone, and running back to the bustop so I don't miss the bus back. The cosmos did not allow this. I get to my apartment and remember that my keys are missing, and no one is home so I go to the office to explain to them that my spare key is locked inside my apartment. The woman immediately signs us up for a lock change. Great. So then cute guy Timmy gets the master key and lets me into my apartment. I rush grab my skirt, look at the clock, I'm walking back to work. Welp, my umbrella got a lot of use today, at least it's cute. So through the snow I trudged. End result: I was an hour late to work, and I forgot my phone AGAIN. Yay.....?
Oh yeah, and I'm staharving!
But Happy. I am happy. haha =D I love my life. It's kind of great. ;]
Random Quotes!!!!
- Reality is something you rise above.
- Liza Minnelli (1946-)
- Human beings have an inalienable right to invent themselves.
- Germaine Greer, O Magazine, September 2002
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