Monday, January 24, 2011

Printers, Bonding, and Orange Juice

Song of the blog: Richman_ 3OH3

Note to Nicole: I like this song, but I wouldn't listen to it with the kids around. I know, I'm a bad person and such.... Love you!

So get past my wonderful taste in music, and I can tell you about BYU's horrible taste in printing technology. It began with my printer deciding last night that it would only communicate with my laptop to inform it that it could not communicate. I go to print my Bio paper this morning to turn in and what happens this time? Not a single printing kiosk is working!!!! I go to two different buildings, try 3 different kiosks. Nothing. Not a single one was working. So though I actually did my homework, it matters not. I'm going to have to email it to him and pray that I get some kind of credit. Stupid printers.

Some good news though, lots of bonding time this weekend with my roommate Eliza. We got really girly watching Black Hawk Down, I even painted my nails. haha Then last night we took turns letting out all our anger at our exes. It actually was nice. I never used to let myself be mad at him, and because of that I still have a lot of things I'm mad at. haha I've never gotten over when he called me stalker. That hurt more than I can really explain. After everything we had been through he had the balls to say that? Everything that I had put up with, everything he had done to me? And then I forced myself to forgive him almost immediately so that I wouldn't hurt him back. Puhlease! There is still much anger over this. Eliza's ex is worse in some ways, better in others. Both just suck. Ugh, men. We also kind of talked about how now we don't really trust people. I mean, I trusted everything to Felix, and look where that got me? The difference is though that I still want someone to prove me wrong. I still have this need to believe in the fairytale. Sometimes I wish I could just give up, but I can't. Ugh, men! Point being though, me and Eliza bond over this. haha

And Orange Juice is just great. I ran out Saturday night and forgot to buy more. So all day yesterday I kinda went through withdrawals. I have some now though. Don't you worry bout a thang. ;D 

Oh yeah! And my life? Pretty good. =]

Random Quotes:
When dealing with the insane, the best method is to pretend to be sane.
 Hermann Hesse (1877 - 1962)
Don't do what you want. Do what you don't want. Do what you're trained not to want. Do the things that scare you the most.
Chuck Palahniuk (1962 - )


  1. yes, 3oh3 is not the most kid friendly. I caught myself listening to 'my first kiss" recently with cara around. she started singing the chorus. and then I paid more attention to the words. and then she told me it was her favorite song. and then I won the corrupting your daughter award. are the songs about not kissing any boys until you meet the one who is going to marry you in the temple? on a top 40 station? no I tell you. the answer is no.
    (I realize that is not realistic to expect her to not kiss any boys until she meets the right one, but as a mother I hope. and plan how to scare all the wrong ones off.) (I also hope to teach my boys to only kiss girls that they really care about and who they could take to the temple, after their missions. and then I plan how to scare the wrong girls off.)
    do not give up on the fairy tale. it totally rocks. =)

  2. Hahaha I heart you. <3 Cara, little Cara. tsk tsk

    And I won't give up on the fairy tale. haha Yet.
