So I have been daydreaming a lot lately. But my daydreams do not consist of what my daydreams normally consist of. I daydream of diamonds. I daydream of Tiffany, Couture, Dior, and all the like. One day, I shall be rich. One day I shall buy a 200$ pair of shoes without batting an eyelash. "Pocket change!" I shall say. I shall live somewhere beautiful, by the ocean perhaps! Or with rolling hills and a fabulous view. I will not work in customer service pool making minimum wage. No sir. I will fly to New York City every weekend and dine with others who are just as fabulously wealthy as myself. Mmmm.... diamonds. Someday, I shall be rich. Can you imagine? I certainly can. Country bumpkin turns into dazzling diamond. Enough to make one drool. (Not really, but almost.)
Anyway, these are just daydreams, they are nice though. ;D
And just gaze upon these shoes!!!!!!!!!! >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
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