Song of the blog: Hold Your Head High_Colbie Caillat
So I am going to follow my dear friend's example. I read her blog, and she is doing this 10 day challenge. It intigued me, so I went to the site this morning to see what it is all about. It looks like it would be good for me. So here I am. I printed off this calender, and now I have to buy ink today. I needed to anyway, but now that I can see that pink is now yellow, I can see that I need color ink too... =p
Day 1 (haha)
I ripped off the cover of the calender to reveal day 1.
Today I start my journal of the challenge. I also don't weigh myself today. This is too easy, because I never weigh myself. I make it a point not to. So I'm going to go further, haha, and not weigh myself because I don't NEED to, not because I know I wouldn't be able to handle the number without never eating again. :)
There is a quote on every day on my green and yellow calender. haha (I need ink!)
“Our deepest fear is not that we are
inadequate. Our deepest fear is that
we are powerful beyond measure...
We ask ourselves: ‘Who am I to be
brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and famous?
Actually, who are you not to
be? You are a child of God. Your
playing small does not serve the
-Nelson Mandela
I stopped weighing myself after my freshman year of high school. I would weigh myself every single day and if I ever got even close to 130 I would freak out and not eat for 3 days. 126 was my weight of awesomeness, and I pretty much kept myself there. Then one day my friend forced me to eat lunch, something I never did, and the next day I was starving at that same time. I realized how much I had been depriving my body of food, and how I was probably doing more harm than good. So I added lunch to my daily schedule. I gained 10 pounds. I hated it, I mean I really hated it, but I didn't want to hurt my body anymore. Eventually I forgot that need to be a certain size because I didn'y know how to eat healthy and well, ice cream is just good!!! Lately I have been trying to eat healthier, fruit for breakfast, not so much unhealthy food, and it has actually given me more energy, even on mondays! But I still don't weigh myself. I'm still not happy with my body. Well, thats why I'm taking this challenge isn't it?
Here is the truth. haha
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