There is a flow to the world. It's the way a life progresses. Mine kind of went like this:
1: Born.
2: Move Many Times.
3: Join the Mormons.
4: Move Some More.
5: Find My Person.6: Graduate High School.
7: Move to Utah.
8: Attend BYU.9: Find More of My Person.
10: Discover the Kind of Guy I Want In Life.
11: Find That Guy.
12: Date That Guy.
13: Wait For That Guy To Propose.
14: Say Yes.
15: Wear the Ring.
So far life has been a pretty good ride. =]
Everyone keeps asking me the same question. "How did he do it???"
Here you go everyone.
He wasn't even supposed to come into town. I was fully looking forward to a weekend of Netflix Movies and possibly giving myself one awesome pedicure. Maybe even getting ritzy and taking the whole 5 dollars that I had and going to get an Italian Smoothie from Java. But alas, my weekend alone was not to be. I was in the middle of nodding off to The Princess Protection Program when Jacob and his sister Jessica knocked on my door. Happiness much? Yessum. A night of McDonald's and a movie followed.
This. Is. A. Waterfall.
This is the actual waterfall that this occurs next to. ;)
Day 2 we went to Joplin and my Jake had to go check out a place that Neil Adams had told him about that would do a good alignment on his car for cheap. He dropped me and Jessica off at the mall and we looked around and fell in love with things we couldn't afford. Jacob came back and I showed him the band that want, sadly, I don't know how to get pictures from my phone to my blog YET. So that band will be a mystery to yous alls for a while. I had told him before that I wanted a square (princess cut) diamond but in the store I tried on a circle cut and liked it with my band better. But I didn't say anything. (hahahaha) Jacob was hungry so we went to Chick Fillet and he got it to go. It was over 100 outside and I definitely had a problem with that. But he was persistent, which is a quality I love him for. He said he had seen this park on the way that looked perfect to eat at. I gave in, and so did Jessica. Several minutes later I am no longer believing the, "I saw it on the way bit." We passed the road that I knew we had taken almost 4 years ago on our first date when we went couching. (See previous blog when I told this story.) So I said, "Hey! Thats the road to the waterfall! We should stop by and take in the nostalgia." Winky smily face. "Sure." Well, turns out thats where he was going. haha We went and looked at the place where the couch had been on that day that I with all honesty thought he was a bit odd. "Ah, Nostalgia." I said. We turned back to go where he said he had seen some shade and what do I see? A perfect little shady spot with a couch and table. Complete with table cloth and a little vase with some flowers made from silver wire. (Curtosy of Neil Adams) I was blown away. It was perfect. Close to the waterfall and everything. =)
This. Is. A. Couch.
Hahahaha Not THE couch, but a great one.
Then I realize that I have forgotten my phone. I need it because this is too cute to NOT take pictures. (One day I will figure out how to get pictures on here from my phone.) He goes to get it from the car for me (how sweet :) and I take the oh so romantic chicken sandwiches out of the bag. When I see him walking back I see he is also carrying a plastic bag and in it looks like a little box. My heart jumped for a second, but he just sat down and acted like everything was normal, so I stayed quiet. We ate and laughed about clueless I was. There was no car business. Neil was there and he had his van parked so I would have the least chance of seeing it. The only thing I didn't know was where in the world Jessica had run off to. She disapeared before we even got to the surprise. Jacob brushed this off with a different "maybe" every time. I thought about asking him what was in the bag, but mostly I just forgot about it. I sat back and looked at the light filtering through the green trees and had a flashback to when I was 13. I was sitting in front of the T.V. watching the movie that the sister missionaries had brought to show us about the Restoration. I watched as Joseph Smith was attacked by Satan, and I was in awe at the beauty of the light filtering through the trees as The Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ descended, saving him, and speaking to him. I smiled at the memory of the first time I had ever felt the spirit and I stared at my own personal tree light. Jacob asked me what I was thinking about and I told him the story and said, "You know that feeling when you just know something is right?" "Yeah, I do." And we smiled at each other and it was a moment.
Then he really started acting strange. He scooted all the way over away from me on the couch and asked me to scoot over next to him. I thought it was weird but I went along with it. Then he hands me a letter. I smile at his cuteness and I open it. The 3 and a half pages of that letter almost made me cry and it made me laugh several times. (The elephants are weeping!!) =) When I looked up, he proposed. I said No. (Ya think?)
This. Is. A. Pie.
My kids will read this someday, my daughters will sigh and say something like, "I want to be proposed to next to a waterfall." And Jacob will cringe and I will smile and laugh. The boys will stick their tongues out and say, "Ew! Gross! Dad you DID that???" Too bad they used to think their Dad was cool. And then years and years later when they find that girl that they can't live without they will go to him and say, "Dad, you did it right. Help me." And my Jake will be glad to offer his advice on getting the girl to say yes. And they will already be suave lady killers thanks to my excellent teaching. We aren't pridefull or anything. ;)
So there is the story. The ring is a circle cut, which I had secretly liked better with my band anyway. It is simple and looks just like the picture I refered to before. Jessica was never missing by the way. ;)
Facing a mirror you see merely your own countenance; facing your child you finally understand how everyone else has seen you.
Daniel Raeburn, The New Yorker, 05-01-2006
Don't be afraid to take a big step if one is indicated. You can't cross a chasm in two small jumps.
David Lloyd George (1863 - 1945)
To keep the heart unwrinkled, to be hopeful, kindly, cheerful, reverent - that is to triumph over old age.
Thomas Bailey Aldrich, O Magazine, October 2003
Progress isn't made by early risers. It's made by lazy men trying to find easier ways to do something.
Robert Heinlein (1907 - 1988), Time Enough For Love
That best portion of a good man's life,
His little, nameless, unremembered acts of kindness and of love.
William Wordsworth (1770 - 1850)
Person to person, moment to moment, as we love, we change the world.
Samahria Lyte Kaufman
Never give a party if you will be the most interesting person there.
Mickey Friedman
Funny Pages!!!!!!
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