So today is the office Christmas Party. It's right now so I shall go and then blog about it. I made one of the soups! Tortellini Sausage! I'm so proud of myself!!!
Yay Party! That was the most awesome two hours of work EVAR! hahahaha
So we had our Christmas party, and my soup was gone before I even got up there in the line.Which means it was excellent!! Yay! They had a 6 part voice group come in and my Dad would have LOVED the guy doing the beat box for the percussion part of the song! And then..... I forgot his name!! But he is a really tall, skinny, white man that you would never expect could dance like that!! And then the balloon! hahaha!! And then we all sang Away In A Manger and Joy To The World and it was wonderful. But then the really fun part came. Our last Team Meeting as the best team to ever meet on the earth!! We piled into two cars and went to the Creamery on 9th to find random white elephant gifts!! Mariel didn't know what that was, so she all kinds of confused. When we left she was like, "Lets go get our elephants.....!" It was funny, maybe you had to be there. hahaha I got Old Maid and a crunch bar, and I hid it with a towel while I waited to buy it. We then raced back to exchange and play the jeopardy game. I got a coconut!!! A COCONUT!!! HAHAhahahahahahahaha!!!!!!! It was so fun, and then jeopardy was hilorious. I took pictures and then we had someone take a group picture of all of us. I'm going to print it and give it to them next week. Love it. :D
I'm sad that we are changing teams next semester, it happens every semester, but I like my team. =]
So today I have a lot to do, and that includes STUDYING!!!!! LOTS OF STUDYING!!!! Making flash cards, reading, starting and finishing final papers, going through flashcards, MAS LEENDO!!!! Si..... Fun.
Oh, and does not have Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band by the Beetles. They suck. So I put Drive My Car on there instead. Enjoy. =D
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