Song of el blogo...... Silence. There are no turtles either. I just thought I should tell you....
Anyway. It's been Christmas come and gone or something like that and me and my pet monkey that Santa gave me were talking and he said, "You haven't posted a blog in a while." And then he giggled, he does that sometimes. teehee
But MonkeyMan George (My monkey) was right. She had a point. So today after about 10 HOURS!!!!!
My butt hurts.
Of watching youtube videos.
But they were SO FUNNY!!
Ok, maybe not that funny.
Ok, maybe the only reason they were funny is because I was with my brother and sister and we all probably ate chocolate today......
Here's one!!!!!
So that one is really kind of funny. We watched it last night and then ironically enough my stepdad Kurtis came in from the living room and said, "Lets play monopoly!" And so we did and me and hope had a fun time. yay.
Ah! Another one!!!
Whoops, I put another one, wait, not yet, ok, now:
That one is funny. =]
Ok, I'm done now. I wish many laughs on you and your posterity!!
My favorite scarf is my favorites.
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Friday, December 17, 2010
I love the christmassiness of Christmas. =]
Song of the blog: Santa Baby_ Eartha Kitt
I love this song, it just gets stuck in my head and my whole becomes wonderful. Yay life.
So my finals are done, alllll done!! AND on my last final, the one I was really afeared about because everyone was failing, I got a 71%. Wonderful? Yes. Yes it is. =D
I go tomorrow on my little trip. I get on a bus over by Olive Garden and Buy Low and all that stuff, and right over to the train station in Sandy, at which I will get on a train to Salt Lake to get off the train and onto another bus to the airport. I get off the bus and onto a plane and I'm in Elko by noon. Yay me. I'm excited, this is a very grown up trip I'm taking all alone and such. It's kind of reminding me that, "Oh yeah! I'm an adult now huh? Weird." hahaha
So I'm waay excited to meet my little sister Zoey, my mom sends me pictures of her every day and I'm just in love. She is the absoluteness cuteness. I think she looks more like hope, but my mom swears she looks like me. I'm white though, and this baby is brown. hahaha
So my to-do list today consists of sending presents in the mail to Kansas, I also just discovered that I can't put hearts in the blog title, it rejects them. <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 But I can put them here, so I did. hahaha Anyway I need to pack some food for the bus/train trip cuz I will be in transit for about 3 hours. I need something to snack on. And I'm also going to locate a good book to read. Oh yeah, and packing. lots of packing. I already started, but I don't want to forget anything. I also need to get giant sandwich bags... Oh! And clean out the fridge. hahaha Wow. I wanted to fit a jog in there somewhere. Yes, a jog, me jogging. Notthing huge, just around until I can't do it anymore, which won't take long. hahaha I just decided that I need to be in better shape, I decide this all the time, but I really want to get rid of this tummy of mine. I REALLY want it gone. I hope to have accomplished this by summer break, which gives me 3 months of being a good girl, and then I have to keep going cuz I want to stay that way. Running in Kansas during the summer will suck because of the humidity, but I can do, especially because I will have Billy to run with me. We can run to get donuts like old times. hahaha I feel pretty determined about this. I'm already replacing my suger with agave, and I use EVOO instead of butter when I'm not baking. I already eat pretty healthy, fruit for breakfast, etc. Now I need to add excerise to that.
I love this song, it just gets stuck in my head and my whole becomes wonderful. Yay life.
So my finals are done, alllll done!! AND on my last final, the one I was really afeared about because everyone was failing, I got a 71%. Wonderful? Yes. Yes it is. =D
I go tomorrow on my little trip. I get on a bus over by Olive Garden and Buy Low and all that stuff, and right over to the train station in Sandy, at which I will get on a train to Salt Lake to get off the train and onto another bus to the airport. I get off the bus and onto a plane and I'm in Elko by noon. Yay me. I'm excited, this is a very grown up trip I'm taking all alone and such. It's kind of reminding me that, "Oh yeah! I'm an adult now huh? Weird." hahaha
So I'm waay excited to meet my little sister Zoey, my mom sends me pictures of her every day and I'm just in love. She is the absoluteness cuteness. I think she looks more like hope, but my mom swears she looks like me. I'm white though, and this baby is brown. hahaha
So my to-do list today consists of sending presents in the mail to Kansas, I also just discovered that I can't put hearts in the blog title, it rejects them. <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 But I can put them here, so I did. hahaha Anyway I need to pack some food for the bus/train trip cuz I will be in transit for about 3 hours. I need something to snack on. And I'm also going to locate a good book to read. Oh yeah, and packing. lots of packing. I already started, but I don't want to forget anything. I also need to get giant sandwich bags... Oh! And clean out the fridge. hahaha Wow. I wanted to fit a jog in there somewhere. Yes, a jog, me jogging. Notthing huge, just around until I can't do it anymore, which won't take long. hahaha I just decided that I need to be in better shape, I decide this all the time, but I really want to get rid of this tummy of mine. I REALLY want it gone. I hope to have accomplished this by summer break, which gives me 3 months of being a good girl, and then I have to keep going cuz I want to stay that way. Running in Kansas during the summer will suck because of the humidity, but I can do, especially because I will have Billy to run with me. We can run to get donuts like old times. hahaha I feel pretty determined about this. I'm already replacing my suger with agave, and I use EVOO instead of butter when I'm not baking. I already eat pretty healthy, fruit for breakfast, etc. Now I need to add excerise to that.
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Finals, Falshcards, and Parrots That Try to Play the Piano. Yeah. AND Santa Baby. =]
Song of the blog: Me and Armani_ Emilliana Torrini
So I took my first final this morning. I studied hard core too. What did I get? 86%. I have gotten higher grades on tests in Music 101, this class of wonderfulness, when I studied for 30 minutes before taking it. This time I made flash cards, i memorized composers, I listened to parrots bang on pianos while crazy German ladies sang at the top of their lungs. And what did all that hard work do for me in the easiest class in the world. 86%. Yeah.
So today I continue the flash card making and memorizing. This time for American Heritage, and it better work, cuz I need at least a b in this class. I would be happy with another 86%. Very Happy.
Song of the blog: Santa Baby_ Eartha Kitt
I like how Eartha Sings, perfect for the song. "Hurry down the chimney tonight."
So I hate finals. I can't even finish a full blog. haha
But here is my own Christmas list for Santa Baby:
Boom, ba boom, ba boom ba boom ba boom ba Boom. Ba boom.....etc
Boom boom boom boom
Dear Santa Baby,
I too have been an awful good girl, but instead, of a 54 light blue convertible I'd like you to bring me a nice little audi, dark red, with tires that won't slide on the snow.
Honestly santa, I'd be really happy with some socks, cute socks, nice and warm with no holes in the bottom.
I want some A's in school this semester that's comin, really it's not a lot to ask. No yachts for me.
I'd also like a haircut and a darker color, think I'll go dark brown, almost black. Something new. Make it thicker too, the end to split ends.
Think of all the fun I've missed, all the cute things I haven't worn, think of all fellas I haven't kissed, next year could be better, and a lot more warm.
I have been a good girl, so some new shoes really isn't much to ask.
I'd like a good book to curl up and read, the sequel to Fallen would be the best of gifts to me.
Some mistletoe I wouldn't mind, up above my head with a cutie by my side. (hahahahaha I be so funny. ;])
Gift wrapped 20's as well, I wouldn't mind to have stuffing that stocking Christmas morning.
Really though Santa, you can hold back on that ring, give it Eartha, I'll take a new phone. =]
I'll still wait up for you grandpa, so hurry down the chimney tonight!
hahahaha I love my little rendition of the song, brings me much joy. =]
So I took my first final this morning. I studied hard core too. What did I get? 86%. I have gotten higher grades on tests in Music 101, this class of wonderfulness, when I studied for 30 minutes before taking it. This time I made flash cards, i memorized composers, I listened to parrots bang on pianos while crazy German ladies sang at the top of their lungs. And what did all that hard work do for me in the easiest class in the world. 86%. Yeah.
So today I continue the flash card making and memorizing. This time for American Heritage, and it better work, cuz I need at least a b in this class. I would be happy with another 86%. Very Happy.
Song of the blog: Santa Baby_ Eartha Kitt
I like how Eartha Sings, perfect for the song. "Hurry down the chimney tonight."
So I hate finals. I can't even finish a full blog. haha
But here is my own Christmas list for Santa Baby:
Boom, ba boom, ba boom ba boom ba boom ba Boom. Ba boom.....etc
Boom boom boom boom
Dear Santa Baby,
I too have been an awful good girl, but instead, of a 54 light blue convertible I'd like you to bring me a nice little audi, dark red, with tires that won't slide on the snow.
Honestly santa, I'd be really happy with some socks, cute socks, nice and warm with no holes in the bottom.
I want some A's in school this semester that's comin, really it's not a lot to ask. No yachts for me.
I'd also like a haircut and a darker color, think I'll go dark brown, almost black. Something new. Make it thicker too, the end to split ends.
Think of all the fun I've missed, all the cute things I haven't worn, think of all fellas I haven't kissed, next year could be better, and a lot more warm.
I have been a good girl, so some new shoes really isn't much to ask.
I'd like a good book to curl up and read, the sequel to Fallen would be the best of gifts to me.
Some mistletoe I wouldn't mind, up above my head with a cutie by my side. (hahahahaha I be so funny. ;])
Gift wrapped 20's as well, I wouldn't mind to have stuffing that stocking Christmas morning.
Really though Santa, you can hold back on that ring, give it Eartha, I'll take a new phone. =]
I'll still wait up for you grandpa, so hurry down the chimney tonight!
hahahaha I love my little rendition of the song, brings me much joy. =]
Friday, December 10, 2010
Christmas Party and soup! =D Oh! And how amazing am I?
Song of the blog: Whiskey Lullaby_Brad Paisley Featuring Alice Krauss
So today is the office Christmas Party. It's right now so I shall go and then blog about it. I made one of the soups! Tortellini Sausage! I'm so proud of myself!!!
Yay Party! That was the most awesome two hours of work EVAR! hahahaha
So we had our Christmas party, and my soup was gone before I even got up there in the line.Which means it was excellent!! Yay! They had a 6 part voice group come in and my Dad would have LOVED the guy doing the beat box for the percussion part of the song! And then..... I forgot his name!! But he is a really tall, skinny, white man that you would never expect could dance like that!! And then the balloon! hahaha!! And then we all sang Away In A Manger and Joy To The World and it was wonderful. But then the really fun part came. Our last Team Meeting as the best team to ever meet on the earth!! We piled into two cars and went to the Creamery on 9th to find random white elephant gifts!! Mariel didn't know what that was, so she all kinds of confused. When we left she was like, "Lets go get our elephants.....!" It was funny, maybe you had to be there. hahaha I got Old Maid and a crunch bar, and I hid it with a towel while I waited to buy it. We then raced back to exchange and play the jeopardy game. I got a coconut!!! A COCONUT!!! HAHAhahahahahahahaha!!!!!!! It was so fun, and then jeopardy was hilorious. I took pictures and then we had someone take a group picture of all of us. I'm going to print it and give it to them next week. Love it. :D

I'm sad that we are changing teams next semester, it happens every semester, but I like my team. =]
So today I have a lot to do, and that includes STUDYING!!!!! LOTS OF STUDYING!!!! Making flash cards, reading, starting and finishing final papers, going through flashcards, MAS LEENDO!!!! Si..... Fun.
Oh, and does not have Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band by the Beetles. They suck. So I put Drive My Car on there instead. Enjoy. =D
So today is the office Christmas Party. It's right now so I shall go and then blog about it. I made one of the soups! Tortellini Sausage! I'm so proud of myself!!!
Yay Party! That was the most awesome two hours of work EVAR! hahahaha
So we had our Christmas party, and my soup was gone before I even got up there in the line.Which means it was excellent!! Yay! They had a 6 part voice group come in and my Dad would have LOVED the guy doing the beat box for the percussion part of the song! And then..... I forgot his name!! But he is a really tall, skinny, white man that you would never expect could dance like that!! And then the balloon! hahaha!! And then we all sang Away In A Manger and Joy To The World and it was wonderful. But then the really fun part came. Our last Team Meeting as the best team to ever meet on the earth!! We piled into two cars and went to the Creamery on 9th to find random white elephant gifts!! Mariel didn't know what that was, so she all kinds of confused. When we left she was like, "Lets go get our elephants.....!" It was funny, maybe you had to be there. hahaha I got Old Maid and a crunch bar, and I hid it with a towel while I waited to buy it. We then raced back to exchange and play the jeopardy game. I got a coconut!!! A COCONUT!!! HAHAhahahahahahahaha!!!!!!! It was so fun, and then jeopardy was hilorious. I took pictures and then we had someone take a group picture of all of us. I'm going to print it and give it to them next week. Love it. :D
I'm sad that we are changing teams next semester, it happens every semester, but I like my team. =]
So today I have a lot to do, and that includes STUDYING!!!!! LOTS OF STUDYING!!!! Making flash cards, reading, starting and finishing final papers, going through flashcards, MAS LEENDO!!!! Si..... Fun.
Oh, and does not have Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band by the Beetles. They suck. So I put Drive My Car on there instead. Enjoy. =D
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Welcome To The World Little Sis. =D
Song of the blog: Takin' Care of Business_Bachman-Turner Overdrive
So I just sang on BYU-TV with my choir. LIVE. It was amazing. Pure everythingness. We sang Oh Come All Ye Faithful, a simple song so that makes it hard to sing and be interesting, but we did it.
I'm happy to say though that that is not the most exciting news I have today. My mom is currently in the hospital having my little sister to be named Zoey Love Kay. YESH!! SOOO EXCITED!!!!!!!! Kurtis just texted me and said that her water just broke and everything is going slowly but well. I seriously can't wait!!! She will be BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!!!!
More news. Over the weekend I went to see Angie and family in West Valley. I wasn't planning on it but this is what went down. I got on the bus to go home and I put my phone in my pocket. I didn't look at it again for another 4 hours, during which I almost went to Salt Lake to see the Temple all lit up for Christmas, and to go to a club. It was WAY too much of a hassle finding rides and fitting everyone, so I just said never mind I'll play pong with everyone else who is staying. This all went down over facebook, so I had no reason to look at my phone. Finally I remembered that it existed and went to check it. I had a text from Aurora saying that they are moving back to Kansas on Monday!!! I kicked myself for not looking earlier because it was too late to take a bus now. I called her and confirmed, and yes she wasn't joking. I immediately went into hyper drive, packing and planning my bus trip first thing in the morning. Then I saw a text that I missed telling me that Serenity was being blessed on Sunday and could I be there. I said of course!!! I was already planning my trip! hahaha So I rushed to get everything done and then I couldn't sleep so I watched Top Gun (almost made me cry when Maverick's friend died) then I went to sleep finally.
So at 7:11 am I got on a bus, then a train, then another bus, and finally to West Valley where Angie picked me up at the bus stop. 9:30am. Buses now kinda make me shudder, and there was a guy on the first bus that kept staring at me while I slept. I had one of those falling dreams once an when I startled awake his stare got even more intense. I was a little scared. I also missed my first train, which turned out to be a blessing because that guy got on the train that I found out I was supposed to be on. The second train went the same place, I would just have about 30 seconds to find the bus after that. Then I turned the wrong way and I was on the opposite side of the parking lot when the bus started driving away. Then I realized it was driving towards me, and let just say that I'm real lucky he was a nice man and stopped for the crazy woman waving and jumping with a suitcase and a backpack and messed up pony tail. Then I almost missed my stop because I don't know street names. It confused me because according to my landmarks I had arrived, but the street name he said didn't match my print out of my route. I'm glad I was trusting my instincts, because when I asked the bus driver (who was a very sweet old man by the way) he said that I was right and I should stop here. Go team.
So that was my bus trip. I smelled like bus when I got off and when I got to Angie's I immediately took a shower and changed.
The weekend was fun. I bought Aurora some clothes on Saturday as an early Christmas and I got myself a few things as well. Kohls had an AMAZING sale. Everything was 40 to 75% off!!! When they calculated how much I would have normally spent it came to 188$ more than I did. I love sales. Yes I do.
Then we packed, I helped as best I could, but I was very sad the whole time. I tried hard not to cry, and I managed until Sunday. Serenity's blessing was beautiful. Vinny said it, and it was perfect. Serenity borrowed a blessing dress from the Relief Society President's daughter, whose daughter wore it for her blessing. Serenity was beautiful.
And then, as it turns out, it was fast and testimony Sunday. So of course I had to have the overwhelming feeling of NEEDING to get up there, even though none of these people knew me and I would only be the strange woman who took their turn. I practically ran up to meet this fate. I HAD to get up there.
As it turns out, I really did, I went up and talked about how Heavenly Father can heal families. Even damage that is seemingly irreparable is fixable through Him. He is the original Bob the Builder. (I didn't say that. haha) It was suddenly overwhelming how true this Gospel is and how wonderful God's plan. I ended up crying and testifying and it felt really good and Angie was crying and Vinny was crying and it was good. Then the next person got up and we listened to her testimony of the Relief Society, but it wasn't until one woman got up that I realized I didn't just get up there for me and my family. This woman talked about how I had given her hope that her husband would one day come back to the church and to his family. She said that when I said I hadn't talked to them in years and now we found each other again she had hope that one day he would be saying the same thing. Others came to me afterward and thanked me. I didn't know what to say because I hadn't been trying to get attention or touch anyone's lives, only my family. I just wanted Angie to know how true this church is, and how much I love it. I just wanted my family to know how much Heavenly Father loves us, and that He continues to take care of us even when we don't see it. So I thanked them right back. They said thank you, I said thank you, because I was thankful to them for showing me how God had worked through me that day. I didn't touch anyone. I didn't even wan to go up there. Heavenly Father made me run up there and then fed me the words I had to say. I didn't do anything, all I did was stand there and talk and cry. Honestly, if you think about it, if anything I'm insane. hahaha Heavenly Father is so marvelous. :)
Song of the blog: Sgt. Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band_ Beatles
I didn't have time to post that yesterday, but my little sister has been born!!!! She was born at 6:19pm (about) at 8 ib 14 oz 19 in!!!!!! A good healthy baby, and I get to meet her in 10 days!!!!!!!
I swear there has been more news and big changes in the past 2 and a half weeks than I've had in a long time. I also realized today my WHOLE PURPOSE IN LIFE!!!!!! =D haha Seriously, not even kidding. I'm changing my major and I feel so strongly about this I was practically crying when I realized it. I have always been very passionate about children, about protecting them and giving them the best lives and the most opportunities. I can't remember a time when I have NOT been passionate about this. This is what I am here for, this is why I am alive.
You are probably wondering how in the world I came to this conclusion. Well in Book of Mormon we talked about spiritual gifts, and how we are supposed to recognize them and use them to bless others, that got me thinking. Then in American Heritage he talked about the legacy of america, and he showed a bunch of clips and talked about being a good citizen. Actually now that I'm thinking back on it, I have no idea how I came to the conclusion that I did, but I KNOW!!!! =D I can't wait to go change my major and figure out what field I need to go into. I need to help kids. I NEED to. This is the profession I was sent here to do!!
I talked to my friend Marie here at work and she suggested Marriage and Family Therapy. I still have to get my masters, but I can also do this thing called Certified Family Life Educator Certification. That enables me to get a job before I get my masters, or to get a job if I don't end up getting my masters. I like this. I'm going to talk to an academic counselor on Friday after I talk to my Financial Aid Counselor about the loan money that I need to be getting asap. I definitely need it. So yeah, that's my Friday.
I also need to eat my Mac N Cheese. Because it is my last chance to eat it because I have to go to practice for the choir performance tonight. 7:30 pm. But practice is at 4:00pm. LOTS OF SINGING TODAY MAN!!!! =D
So I just sang on BYU-TV with my choir. LIVE. It was amazing. Pure everythingness. We sang Oh Come All Ye Faithful, a simple song so that makes it hard to sing and be interesting, but we did it.
I'm happy to say though that that is not the most exciting news I have today. My mom is currently in the hospital having my little sister to be named Zoey Love Kay. YESH!! SOOO EXCITED!!!!!!!! Kurtis just texted me and said that her water just broke and everything is going slowly but well. I seriously can't wait!!! She will be BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!!!!
More news. Over the weekend I went to see Angie and family in West Valley. I wasn't planning on it but this is what went down. I got on the bus to go home and I put my phone in my pocket. I didn't look at it again for another 4 hours, during which I almost went to Salt Lake to see the Temple all lit up for Christmas, and to go to a club. It was WAY too much of a hassle finding rides and fitting everyone, so I just said never mind I'll play pong with everyone else who is staying. This all went down over facebook, so I had no reason to look at my phone. Finally I remembered that it existed and went to check it. I had a text from Aurora saying that they are moving back to Kansas on Monday!!! I kicked myself for not looking earlier because it was too late to take a bus now. I called her and confirmed, and yes she wasn't joking. I immediately went into hyper drive, packing and planning my bus trip first thing in the morning. Then I saw a text that I missed telling me that Serenity was being blessed on Sunday and could I be there. I said of course!!! I was already planning my trip! hahaha So I rushed to get everything done and then I couldn't sleep so I watched Top Gun (almost made me cry when Maverick's friend died) then I went to sleep finally.
So at 7:11 am I got on a bus, then a train, then another bus, and finally to West Valley where Angie picked me up at the bus stop. 9:30am. Buses now kinda make me shudder, and there was a guy on the first bus that kept staring at me while I slept. I had one of those falling dreams once an when I startled awake his stare got even more intense. I was a little scared. I also missed my first train, which turned out to be a blessing because that guy got on the train that I found out I was supposed to be on. The second train went the same place, I would just have about 30 seconds to find the bus after that. Then I turned the wrong way and I was on the opposite side of the parking lot when the bus started driving away. Then I realized it was driving towards me, and let just say that I'm real lucky he was a nice man and stopped for the crazy woman waving and jumping with a suitcase and a backpack and messed up pony tail. Then I almost missed my stop because I don't know street names. It confused me because according to my landmarks I had arrived, but the street name he said didn't match my print out of my route. I'm glad I was trusting my instincts, because when I asked the bus driver (who was a very sweet old man by the way) he said that I was right and I should stop here. Go team.
So that was my bus trip. I smelled like bus when I got off and when I got to Angie's I immediately took a shower and changed.
The weekend was fun. I bought Aurora some clothes on Saturday as an early Christmas and I got myself a few things as well. Kohls had an AMAZING sale. Everything was 40 to 75% off!!! When they calculated how much I would have normally spent it came to 188$ more than I did. I love sales. Yes I do.
Then we packed, I helped as best I could, but I was very sad the whole time. I tried hard not to cry, and I managed until Sunday. Serenity's blessing was beautiful. Vinny said it, and it was perfect. Serenity borrowed a blessing dress from the Relief Society President's daughter, whose daughter wore it for her blessing. Serenity was beautiful.
And then, as it turns out, it was fast and testimony Sunday. So of course I had to have the overwhelming feeling of NEEDING to get up there, even though none of these people knew me and I would only be the strange woman who took their turn. I practically ran up to meet this fate. I HAD to get up there.
As it turns out, I really did, I went up and talked about how Heavenly Father can heal families. Even damage that is seemingly irreparable is fixable through Him. He is the original Bob the Builder. (I didn't say that. haha) It was suddenly overwhelming how true this Gospel is and how wonderful God's plan. I ended up crying and testifying and it felt really good and Angie was crying and Vinny was crying and it was good. Then the next person got up and we listened to her testimony of the Relief Society, but it wasn't until one woman got up that I realized I didn't just get up there for me and my family. This woman talked about how I had given her hope that her husband would one day come back to the church and to his family. She said that when I said I hadn't talked to them in years and now we found each other again she had hope that one day he would be saying the same thing. Others came to me afterward and thanked me. I didn't know what to say because I hadn't been trying to get attention or touch anyone's lives, only my family. I just wanted Angie to know how true this church is, and how much I love it. I just wanted my family to know how much Heavenly Father loves us, and that He continues to take care of us even when we don't see it. So I thanked them right back. They said thank you, I said thank you, because I was thankful to them for showing me how God had worked through me that day. I didn't touch anyone. I didn't even wan to go up there. Heavenly Father made me run up there and then fed me the words I had to say. I didn't do anything, all I did was stand there and talk and cry. Honestly, if you think about it, if anything I'm insane. hahaha Heavenly Father is so marvelous. :)
Song of the blog: Sgt. Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band_ Beatles
I didn't have time to post that yesterday, but my little sister has been born!!!! She was born at 6:19pm (about) at 8 ib 14 oz 19 in!!!!!! A good healthy baby, and I get to meet her in 10 days!!!!!!!
I swear there has been more news and big changes in the past 2 and a half weeks than I've had in a long time. I also realized today my WHOLE PURPOSE IN LIFE!!!!!! =D haha Seriously, not even kidding. I'm changing my major and I feel so strongly about this I was practically crying when I realized it. I have always been very passionate about children, about protecting them and giving them the best lives and the most opportunities. I can't remember a time when I have NOT been passionate about this. This is what I am here for, this is why I am alive.
You are probably wondering how in the world I came to this conclusion. Well in Book of Mormon we talked about spiritual gifts, and how we are supposed to recognize them and use them to bless others, that got me thinking. Then in American Heritage he talked about the legacy of america, and he showed a bunch of clips and talked about being a good citizen. Actually now that I'm thinking back on it, I have no idea how I came to the conclusion that I did, but I KNOW!!!! =D I can't wait to go change my major and figure out what field I need to go into. I need to help kids. I NEED to. This is the profession I was sent here to do!!
I talked to my friend Marie here at work and she suggested Marriage and Family Therapy. I still have to get my masters, but I can also do this thing called Certified Family Life Educator Certification. That enables me to get a job before I get my masters, or to get a job if I don't end up getting my masters. I like this. I'm going to talk to an academic counselor on Friday after I talk to my Financial Aid Counselor about the loan money that I need to be getting asap. I definitely need it. So yeah, that's my Friday.
I also need to eat my Mac N Cheese. Because it is my last chance to eat it because I have to go to practice for the choir performance tonight. 7:30 pm. But practice is at 4:00pm. LOTS OF SINGING TODAY MAN!!!! =D
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Modern Composers, A Too Cool Addition To My Blog, And Anything Else I Want To Say...write....yes. :)
Song of the blog: Think of me_Rosi Golan
I love this song. It is just a great song. =]
It is also on the playlist to the right of this post you are reading. So you can listen to the song of the blog as you read the blog!!! I'm way excited about this addition, and I went a little crazy and added random songs too. I'm going fix it though and just add the songs of the blogszszszes.
So the Modern Era. A very Interesting with capitol I time that we are in.
It began in the 1900 and continues on today. Eventually they will end it and begin a new Era of Music, but that day is yet to come.
Here is an example of the craziness of the Modern Era: There was a musical drama (so dubbed all musical dramas that do not make it to Broadway) that started in Europe, and made it all the way to Canada in hopes of travelling to Broadway. It was a flop, and really, I don't know how it even made it to Canada. On the coat tails of the curious I guess. This musical drama was of the genre that takes movies and makes sets them on the stage for all to see and boo at. You may remember Shrek, Legally Blonde, and others that have made Broadway appearances. This though, this one was the most interesting by far. Lord of the Rings, The Musical. Yes. They went there.
In class, our professor let us listen to a clip of the song Smeegle. And wow. I was speechless. Because I was laughing so hard that I couldn't talk.
I just realized that it's time for me to leave. To Be Continued.
I love this song. It is just a great song. =]
It is also on the playlist to the right of this post you are reading. So you can listen to the song of the blog as you read the blog!!! I'm way excited about this addition, and I went a little crazy and added random songs too. I'm going fix it though and just add the songs of the blogszszszes.
So the Modern Era. A very Interesting with capitol I time that we are in.
It began in the 1900 and continues on today. Eventually they will end it and begin a new Era of Music, but that day is yet to come.
Here is an example of the craziness of the Modern Era: There was a musical drama (so dubbed all musical dramas that do not make it to Broadway) that started in Europe, and made it all the way to Canada in hopes of travelling to Broadway. It was a flop, and really, I don't know how it even made it to Canada. On the coat tails of the curious I guess. This musical drama was of the genre that takes movies and makes sets them on the stage for all to see and boo at. You may remember Shrek, Legally Blonde, and others that have made Broadway appearances. This though, this one was the most interesting by far. Lord of the Rings, The Musical. Yes. They went there.
In class, our professor let us listen to a clip of the song Smeegle. And wow. I was speechless. Because I was laughing so hard that I couldn't talk.
I just realized that it's time for me to leave. To Be Continued.
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
It's been a while.
Song of the blog: Paperweight_Joshua Radin & Schuyler Fisk
I had a wonderful thanksgiving. Yay Thanksgiving! haha
I wasn't going to do anything. Just catch up on homework and pretend it wasn't a holiday. But then on Wednesday I was sitting on my couch and I suddenly thought, I should spend thanksgiving with my family. I can't go to Parsons, so I will go to Taylorsville and see the former stepmother I haven't seen in 2 and a half years. I was nervous. WAY nervous! My hands were shaking and I could barely type on my phone. Daniel and Jason came and got me, and then I stayed with Angie and siblings. We went to Idaho for Thanksgiving Dinner with my Grandpa Frank and it was fun. :) His wife's grand kids are an interesting bunch.I'm not technically related to any of them, and I think I'm grateful for that. haha
Then we went back and I'm very sad to say that those wonderful boys who were supposed to take me back to my apartment were rating from slightly tipsy to smelling like a hobo. So stayed another night. I ended up staying until Sunday, and it was a really fun time. My phone died Thursday night though so I had no communication with anybody, not even facebook because they don't have internet. An interesting thing, because I feel like I am constantly on a computer. I do all my homework on the computer, I work on computers, I LIVE on the computer. SO it was good to have a break.
It also felt good to catch up. Aaron has a girlfriend, which honestly never even crossed my mind when I wondered about him and where he is now. Aurora is almost changeless except for an 11 month relationship that ended in him cheating on her. Jaccob is quickly becoming not a little boy anymore, but he is still the sweetest little guy with the biggest blue eyes. Shaun is still Shaun, playful and joking. Isaac is still a little crazy, but an older crazy, if that makes sense. haha Angie had a baby just 13 days before I got there. Her name is Serenity, and she is so beautiful. Aaron and Aurora are like best friends now. In a big family there is always the 'big kids' who help the parents and have more freedoms and responsibilities. Aaron and Aurora are the big kids now that the old big kids are out of the house. I took them to see Harry Potter on Saturday. It was good, but now I want to see the next half. =p
Then on Sunday the most strange and wonderful thing happened. Angie took me to church. To the LDS church. And she loves the missionaries, and she is besties with the bishop, and all these people support her. I was in awe. This is what the Parsons Branch could never do for her. Accept her. I realized that was all she needed. She hasn't quit smoking, and she hasn't decided to get baptized, but she goes to church! There is a sad side though. She can't afford to stay in Utah, so she needs to go back to Parsons, and I fear that all the progress that has been made will disappear. I haven't been very happy with the things I have heard about my Parsons Branch. I'm severely disappointed in them. To think that these Provo snobs have more acceptence of people than my family in Parsons, when Parsons is SO MUCH more diverse than here? Not everyone here are snobs, the people I work with for instance are amazing people. Basicaly a lot of people in Parsons have stopped going to church because they don't feel welcome, they don't feel like they are wanted there.That is so absurd that I could cry. People who I never thought would be effected by something like that have stopped going to church. This worries me very much. So I'm scared for the progress that my family has made.

In other news, I am masochistic and I watched Dear John last night even though I know it makes me ball my eyes out every time. I don't know why that is one of my favorite movies, but it is. Maybe it's because I'm just a hopeless romantic. The soundtrack is really good too though. really quite excellent. The song of the blog is from that excellent soundtrack. I recommend it. Unless you are feeling sad, because then it may make you cry. But if you're like me, then sometimes you need an excuse to cry, like I did last night, and so I watched that movie knowing that I would ball like a baby. sigh.
hahahaha I love myself sometimes. =]
I had a wonderful thanksgiving. Yay Thanksgiving! haha
Then we went back and I'm very sad to say that those wonderful boys who were supposed to take me back to my apartment were rating from slightly tipsy to smelling like a hobo. So stayed another night. I ended up staying until Sunday, and it was a really fun time. My phone died Thursday night though so I had no communication with anybody, not even facebook because they don't have internet. An interesting thing, because I feel like I am constantly on a computer. I do all my homework on the computer, I work on computers, I LIVE on the computer. SO it was good to have a break.
It also felt good to catch up. Aaron has a girlfriend, which honestly never even crossed my mind when I wondered about him and where he is now. Aurora is almost changeless except for an 11 month relationship that ended in him cheating on her. Jaccob is quickly becoming not a little boy anymore, but he is still the sweetest little guy with the biggest blue eyes. Shaun is still Shaun, playful and joking. Isaac is still a little crazy, but an older crazy, if that makes sense. haha Angie had a baby just 13 days before I got there. Her name is Serenity, and she is so beautiful. Aaron and Aurora are like best friends now. In a big family there is always the 'big kids' who help the parents and have more freedoms and responsibilities. Aaron and Aurora are the big kids now that the old big kids are out of the house. I took them to see Harry Potter on Saturday. It was good, but now I want to see the next half. =p
In other news, I am masochistic and I watched Dear John last night even though I know it makes me ball my eyes out every time. I don't know why that is one of my favorite movies, but it is. Maybe it's because I'm just a hopeless romantic. The soundtrack is really good too though. really quite excellent. The song of the blog is from that excellent soundtrack. I recommend it. Unless you are feeling sad, because then it may make you cry. But if you're like me, then sometimes you need an excuse to cry, like I did last night, and so I watched that movie knowing that I would ball like a baby. sigh.
hahahaha I love myself sometimes. =]
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